OmniSwitch Troubleshooting Guide September 2005 page -139
debug health cpu
Displays the history of CPU utilization on a Chassis Management Module (CMM) if no parameters are
specified and displays the history of the CPU’s health if parameters are specified.
debug health cpu [slot]
Syntax Definitions
slot Specifies an interface slot number.
Platforms Supported
OmniSwitch 6624, 6648, 7700, 7800, 8800
Usage Guidelines
If no parameters are specified:
-> debug health cpu
Device Level Cpu Utilization
SECONDS: [4]8 [5]15 [6]4 [7]14 [8]4 [9]16 [10]3 [11]15 [0]4 [1]18 [2]5
MINUTES: [2]10 [3]10 [4]9 [5]11 [6]10 [7]10 [8]10 [9]10 [10]10 [11]10
[12]11 [13]10 [14]9 [15]10 [16]9 [17]10 [18]10 [19]9 [20]9
[21]10 [22]9 [23]10 [24]9 [25]9 [26]11 [27]10 [28]9 [29]10
[30]10 [31]11 [32]10 [33]9 [34]10 [35]9 [36]10 [37]10 [38]10
[39]11 [40]10 [41]10 [42]12 [43]10 [44]10 [45]10 [46]9 [47]11
[48]11 [49]9 [50]11 [51]9 [52]11 [53]10 [54]10 [55]10 [56]10
[57]10 [58]11 [59]11 [0]10 [1]10
sec<23> min<10> hrAvg<9> hrMax<12>
If a slot number is specified:
-> debug health cpu 11
Slot 11 Cpu Utilization
SECONDS: [11]19 [0]26 [1]17 [2]18 [3]17 [4]15 [5]17 [6]17 [7]19 [8]18
[9]19 [10]21
MINUTES: [59]18 [0]18 [1]19 [2]17 [3]18 [4]19 [5]18 [6]18 [7]17 [8]19
[9]17 [10]18 [11]18 [12]17 [13]18 [14]18 [15]20 [16]18 [17]18
[18]19 [19]19 [20]18 [21]17 [22]19 [23]18 [24]18 [25]19 [26]18
[27]19 [28]17 [29]18 [30]18 [31]19 [32]19 [33]18 [34]19 [35]17
[36]19 [37]18 [38]18 [39]19 [40]19 [41]18 [42]17 [43]18 [44]18
[45]18 [46]18 [47]18 [48]19 [49]18 [50]18 [51]19 [52]17 [53]19
[54]19 [55]19 [56]18 [57]18 [58]19
sec<21> min<18> hrAvg<18> hrMax<20>