8Network Service Module
C613-03022-00 REV K
If an AT-AR020 PIC is installed in an AT-AR040 NSM, and operating in E1
mode, you can not install an AT-AR021(S) or AT-AR021(U) PIC in the same
row of the NSM.
You can install a maximum of four AT-AR027 PICs in an AR745 router
fitted with an AT-AR040 NSM.
Avoid installing an AT-AR022 or AT-AR026 PIC in an AT-AR040 NSM.
Performance of these interfaces may be reduced and packet loss may occur.
Interface numbering
For each interface type (e.g. BRI, PRI, SYN, ETH, PORT), interfaces are
numbered starting at 0, in the following sequence:
1. interfaces on the base switch or router
2. interfaces on PICs installed in PIC bays on the base switch or router, starting
with PIC bay 0
3. interfaces on PICs installed in PIC bays on the AT-AR040 NSM, starting
with NSM PIC bay 0, and ending with NSM PIC bay 3.