AT-WR2304N IEEE 802.11 b/g/n, Small Business Wireless Router User Manual 43
Figure 75: MAC Address Filter Table
ou can remove a rule by checking the item and clicking on “Delete Selected”, or click on
“Delete All” to remove all rules.
You can restrict network by IP address. IP address listed in the filter table will be prohibited from accessing
Figure 76: Firewall > IP Filter
) Enable IP Filter Table: Check the box to enable this function.
) Description: Specify a description for identification.
) Protocol: Select protocol here.
) Local IP Address: Input the IP you want to restrict. You can Input a single IP or a range.
) Port range: Input the service port you want to restrict. You can Input a single port or a range.
Click on “Add” to add a rule.
All IP address filtering rules are listed at lower page.
Figure 77: IP Filter Table
ou can remove a rule by checking the item and clicking on “Delete Selected”, or click on
“Delete All” to remove all rules.
URL Filter In this page, URL filter can restrict users from visiting specific URL or webpage contents specific keyword.
You can set up to 20 rules.