Alpes USA MP615/MP107 manual RS232 Commands and protocol

Models: MP615/MP107

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RS232 Commands and protocol:

Protocol: 9600,n,8,1.

Each instruction must be ended with a carriage return. (Odh). You will receive an Echo back.

After each command sent by RS232, in return, the player sends the following channel status : * equals “space”


Function where : 0=Playing 1=Paused 2=Stopped

Colour Sys. where : 0=NTSC 1=PAL 2=PAL 60 Hz 3= PAL M

Video outputs used :

0=Composite & S-Video 1= YUV



All the RS 232 commands must be preceded by the following string of characters:

RS 232 port number of the player to which this command is dedicated


Commands :


to read an introduction line,


to pause the player,


to read a specific script,

Examples :


Player IDn, is calling line n° yy



Call line numbered 1 by the Key command on player n°0 (master); this line can



control a change in the PAL or NTSC colour format, a change of the video output , a


« goto » « wait x » command, or simply control the reading of a video file.



(on player IDn, reads the video sequence specified)



on master player, reads the drop.mpg sequence


This is a ZERO, which corresponds to the RS232 port address of the player concerned, the appearance of a ZERO means master player if the RS232 is connected. Check that the name of the file is ACTUALLY present in the specified player.


On master player, reads the SCxx script


On master player, read the SC00 script

A “SCnn” script corresponding to a specific script must be present in the player concerned.

1See after

Rev 1.1

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Alpes USA MP615/MP107 manual RS232 Commands and protocol