Author — searches the Kindle Store for other books by the author when selected. If
more than one author wrote the book, selecting this item will show a menu of the
authors from which to choose.
Description — describes the item. Select “more” to see the full text.
Buy — purchases the item using your default Amazon 1-Click payment method and
sends it wirelessly to your Kindle for free.
Reviews — displays the customer reviews for this item. Provides links to editorial
reviews and for writing your own review.
Try a Sample — downloads the beginning of the book for free so you can sample it
before buying.
Save for Later — adds the item to your “Save for Later Items” list so you can peruse
or purchase it later.
Customers who bought this book also bought: — displays a list of items purchased
by Amazon customers who also bought this item.
The product detail page for newspapers, magazines, and blogs is similar to the
product detail page for books, but it contains different purchasing options:
Subscribe now with 14-day Free Trial — select this to start your subscription. All
newspapers, magazines, and blogs come with a free trial to start your subscription,
and you can cancel your subscription on the Manage Your Kindle page on Amazon at
any time during this period. After the trial period, your subscription will automatically
be delivered at the regular monthly price.
Buy Current Issue — purchases the current issue of the newspaper or magazine and
sends it to your Kindle.