17. MICROPHONE SECTION - These controls are used to adjust the microphone volume level, treble
level, and bass levels.
MICROPHONE VOLUME - This knob is used to regulate the microphone output volume. Turn-
ing the knob in a clockwise direction will increase the volume level.
MICROPHONE TREBLE CONTROL - This knob is used to adjust the treble levels of the
Microphone with a maximum signal gain of 10dB or maximum signal decrease of -10dB.
Turning the knob in a counter-clockwise direction will decrease the amount of treble
applied to the microphone signal, turning the knob in a clockwise direction will increase
the amount of treble applied to microphone signal.
MICROPHONE BASS CONTROL - This knob is used to adjust the low frequency levels of
the microphone with a maximum signal gain of 10dB or maximum signal decrease of -10dB.
Turning the knob in a counter-clockwise direction will decrease the amount of bass applied to
the microphone signal, turning the knob in a clockwise direction will increase the amount
of bass applied to microphone signal.
18. TALKOVER CONTROL - This function decreases all signal output except for the microphone
19. MASTER VOLUME LEVEL INDICATORS - The dual MASTER LEVEL LED indicators are used to
detail the master output level. The meters will detail the output level of both the left and right chan-
Q-D6 SRS™ Controls and Features Cont.
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