Turntable Quick-Start:
1. Changing Platter Speed
Use the RPM selectors (10 & 11) to change the platter speeds. The 33-rpm (10) and 45-rpm (11) speed
selectors change the platter rotation respectively.
2. Starting and Stopping the Platter
Use the START/STOP BUTTON (6) to switch back and forth between platter rotation and pause
3. Pitch Control
1. The pitch adjustment is a fine adjustment to the platter's RPMs.
2. The pitch adjustment is variable and may be adjusted between -10% and +10% of the platter
selected speed.
3. The pitch is changed by sliding the Pitch Slider (12) in an up and down motion.
4. The STROBE INDICATORS (2) on the rim of the PLATTER (20) can be used to visual approxi-
mate the platter pitch. These indicators are lit by the STROBE INDICATOR PILOT LAMP (4) as
they pass by the POWER SWITCH (5). At different pitch levels each row of STROBE INDICATORS
(2) may appear stand still.
Note: The use of heavy fluorescent lighting directly above the turntable will defeat the STROBE
LAMP PILOT LAMP (4) affect indicator accuracy.
Product Service:
1. Clean the stylus periodically with a soft brush to prevent the accumulation of dust.
2. When sound becomes distorted or noisy, check the stylus. If the stylus is worn out, replace
it with a new one.
3. From time to time, the dust cover and turntable cabinet should be wiped down with a soft,
dry cloth.
4. Volatile materials should not be used, such as: alcohol, thinner, benzine etc. They may remove
the paint or damage the luster.
©American Audio® - www.americanaudio.us - TTD-2400™ Instruction Manual Page 6