cAuTion: To reduce THe riSK oF eLecTric
SHocK, do noT remove THe cover.
THere Are no uSer ServiceABLe PArTS
inSide. reFer ALL Service To Your
AuTHoriZed AmericAn Audio® deALer.
Do not open -
risk of electric shock For oPTimum PerFormAnce And
reLiABiLiT Y do noT PreSenT THe
AmPLiFier WiTH A SPeAKer LoAd
oF L eSS THAn 2 oHmS or AnY
comBinATion oF SPeAKerS THAT
ToGeTHer Are LeSS THAn 2 oHmS!
uSinG one SPeAKer, iT muST Be
rATed AT 4 or more oHmS.
uSinG TWo SPeAKerS, THeY muST
rATed eAcH AT 4 or more oHmS.
uSinG THree SPeAKerS, THeY
muST Be rATed eAcH AT 8 or more
The lightning flash with an arrow triangular
symbol is intended to alert the user to the
presence of non insulated “dangerous volt-
age” within the products enclosure, and
may be of sufficient magnitude to consti-
tute a risk of electric shock.
The exclamation point triangular symbol is
intended to alert the user to the presence
of important operating and maintenance
(servicing) instructions in the use r manual
accompanying the amplifier.
Po ur AS Su re r L A F iA Bi Le Te eT
oBTeniT une PerFormAnce oPTimALe,
neSou meT Te JAm AiS L’AmPL iFicATe ur
A un e cH ArGe d’im PedA nce ToTALe
inFerieure A 2 oHmS, ni Avec un H.P. ni
en comBinAiSon deS H.P.
Avec un H.P. , iL FAu T u ne cHAr Ge
d’imPedAnce minimum de 2 oHmS.
Avec deuX H.P., FAuT Pour cH Aoun une
cHAr Ge d ’imPe dAnc e min imum de 4
Avec TroiS H.P., FAuT Pour cHAoun une
cHur Ge d’ imPe dAnce mini mum de 8
Safety Precautions.......................................................................................................................................................................................4
Front Panel...................................................................................................................................................................................................5
rear Panel....................................................................................................................................................................................................6
Speakon output connector Assembly.......................................................................................................................................................9
operating modes........................................................................................................................................................................................10
Protection circuitry
Short circuit Protection...................................................................................................................................................................11
Thermal Protection..........................................................................................................................................................................12
Amplier Features.......................................................................................................................................................................................12
Speaker Setup............................................................................................................................................................................................13
©American Audio® - www.americanaudio.us - vLP 2500 Power Amplifier user manual Page 3