2 American Dryer Corporation 450422-3
Illus. No. Part No. Qty.Description
1 882463 1 White Locking Control Door Complete
(includes illus. nos. 1, 2, and 3)
882464 1 Almond Locking Control Door Complete
(includes illus. nos. 1, 2, and 3)
882465 1 Blue Locking Control Door Complete
(includes illus. nos. 1, 2, and 3)
2 882601 1 Black Trim
(for models mfd. as of December 14, 1999)
180225 1 Gray Trim (29.65” length)
(for models mfd. prior to December 14, 1999)
3 150201 5 #10-32 x 1/4” Phillips Round Head Machine Screw
4 152103 4 Rivnut
5 150212 4 #10-32 x 5/16” Phillips Pan Head Stainless Steel Machine Screws
6 160040 1 ACE® Control Door Lock
7 160140 1 ACE® Key xx4451
Locking Control Door Assembly