3. Operations
Displaying system configuration information
The Show System command displays all system configuration information.
• Firmware version
• NIC module serial number and MAC address
• Hardware revision code and Flash size
• Uptime since last system restart
• System location description
See 0on page 32 for more information on SNMP.
To display system configuration information:
At the AmpMeter PDU: prompt, type show system and press Enter.
System Information
F/W Version: AmpMeter PDU Version 5.2i
NIC S/N: 1600001
MAC Address: 00-0a-9c-10-00-01
H/W Rev Code: 0
Flash Size: 1 MB
Uptime: 0 days 6 hours 14 minutes 1 second
Location: Florida HQ
Creating a descriptive tower name
The Set Tower Name command assigns a descriptive name to a tower. This descriptive name is displayed
when the Show Traps command is issued. See ??? on page 28 for more information on the Show Traps
To create a tower name:
At the AmpMeter PDU: prompt, type set tower name, followed by the absolute tower name, then the
descriptive name of up to 24 alphanumeric and other typeable characters (ASCII 33 to 126 decimal - spaces
are not allowed). Press Enter.
The following command adds the descriptive name Florida_HQ_1 to tower .a:
AmpMeter PDU: set tower name .a Florida_HQ_1<Enter>
Displaying tower information
The Show Towers command displays information about the AmpMeter PDU. This information includes the
absolute and descriptive AmpMeter PDU names.
To display tower information:
At the AmpMeter PDU: prompt, type show towers and press Enter.
AmpMeter PDU: show towers<Enter>
Tower Tower
ID Name
.A Florida_HQ_1
301-0399-3 Rev A. - Page 27