4. Advanced Operations
Displaying trap configuration information
The Show Traps command displays information about all traps.
To display trap information:
At the AmpMeter PDU: prompt, type show traps and press Enter.
The following command requests trap configuration information:
AmpMeter PDU: show traps <Enter>
Tower trap configuration:
Tower Tower Status
ID Name Trap
.A Florida_HQ_1 ON
.B Florida_HQ_2 ON
More (Y/es N/o): y
Input feed trap configuration:
Input Input Status Load High
Feed ID Feed Name Trap Trap Thresh
.AA HQ_1_Infeed_A ON ON 255 A
.BA HQ_2_Infeed_A ON ON 255 A
More (Y/es N/o): y
Environmental Monitor .A trap configuration:
Name: Florida_HQ_1
Status Trap: ON
Temperature/Humidity Sensor .A1 Temperature/Humidity Sensor .A2
Name: Temp_Humid_Sensor_A1 Name: T/H2_Florida_HQ_1
Status Trap: ON Status Trap: ON
Temp Trap: ON Temp Trap: ON
Low: 0 Deg.C Low: 0 Deg.C
High: 127 Deg.C High: 95 Deg.C
Humid Trap: ON Humid Trap: ON
Low: 5 % RH Low: 0 % RH
High: 100 % RH High: 100 % RH
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