4Using the TXC-ACT TXC-ACT Advanced Classroom Transmitter
Television control functions (cont.)
Operation Function Description
Media mode Source
up/down Media mode is active whenever there is a media source, broadcast
channel, or lesson plan scheduled to a classroom.
(up) to pause current media, select next source
assignment, and then play assigned media source.
Press SOURCE (down) to pause current media, select previous
source assignment, and then play assigned media source.

Office and media calls

Figure 3 lists the call features for contacting the office, security, or media center.

Office and media call functions
Operation Function Description
CALL Office Send a general emergency call signal to the Paging Console (AXP-
PC) or to a Security Panel (AXU-SPL4).
Clear the call before you receive a response.
Press OFFICE and CLEAR or ESC.
Media Send a general call to the media center computer.
Press MEDIA and ENTER.
Send specific messages that are numbered from 1 to 255.
Press MEDIA, the message number using the keypad, and ENTER.
You can select up to 10
Figure 3
Office and media call functions