This page allows you to specify the scale notes to which the
Tune (i.e., the note name appears in the display, but the “By:” field under
the note is blank): When the input is near a note set to Tune, the
Bypass (i.e., the note name appears in the display and an “*” appears in the “By:” field under the note): When the input pitch is close to a note set to Bypass, the output remains uncorrected.
Blank (i.e., the note name disappears from the display): A note set to Blank will be omitted from the scale. For example, setting C , D , F , G ,
Ato Blank causes a C Major scale to remain. In that case the
As an example, the following settings result in a D Major scale with no pitch corrections applied to F and C :
| 23: | C#D E F#G A B |
| |
| By: | * | * |
Why set Scale notes to “Blank”?
To understand why it is sometimes necessary to set even correct scale notes to ”Blank,“ let’s look again at the example from Chapter 1.