34006452EN/AC - Page 5
1. Introduction

1.1 System performance

Single-line diagram of the MGETM GalaxyTM 9000 system

1.2 System description

A MGETM GalaxyTM 9000 uninterruptible power supply (UPS) delivers 3-phase power with the following characteristics:
– stable voltage (±0.5 % under steady state conditions and +/-5% under transient conditions for load step changes of 25
to 100 % or of 100 to 25 %);
– stable frequency (±0.05Hz without Mains 2);
– or frequency synchronized with Mains 2 to 50/60 Hz ±2 Hz (value may be configured in 0.25 Hz steps);
– free of micro-breaks and outages for the duration of the battery time (10, 15 or 30 minutes);
– less than 4 % distortion in all syst em configurations with linear loads;
– less than 5 % distortion for a 100 % non-linear load with a peak factor of up to 3.5.
The acoustic noise level of a MGETM GalaxyTM 9000 UPS is under 75 dBA.
– a rectifier-charger (RC) module c onverts 3-phase AC power from the Mains 1 supply into DC power for the normal inverter
input and float charges or recharges the batteries;
– a battery unit provides backup power for the inverter in the event of a voltage drop or a Mains 1 failure;
– an inverter module converts the DC power supplied by the rectifier-charger module or the battery unit into 3-phase AC
power for the load;
– an emergency bypass module ensur es the instantaneous transfer of the load via the static switch to the Mains 2 bypass
line in the event of an inverter shutdown (initiated by the user or by a protective device) or a sudden overload;
– a maintenance bypass which isolates the UPS for maintenance and transfers the load without interrupting the supply of
power. The maintenance bypass is made up of three manual switches.
– the Mains 1 normal input and the Mains 2 bypass input have different functions and, depending on the installation, may be
protected differently upstream and/or come from different sources;
– frequency converters are available without backup batteries;
– the emergency bypass line and the maintenance bypass line do not exist in installations where the load frequency and the
Mains2 frequency are different (for example in frequency converters);
– for reasons of redundancy and/or increased power, the rectifier-charger, inverter and battery modules (the UPS, part A in
the MGETM GalaxyTM 9000 schematic diagram above) may be arranged in parallel lines. In this case, an isolation function is
added to the output of each UPS for maintenance without disrupting the load.
In this type of system, the components of part B in the diagram are located in a separate cubicle referred to as the "Static
Switch Cubicle".
The system may also include:
– an isolating transformer on the Ma ins 2 line;
– a harmonics filter on the Mains 1 input;
– different remote control, indication and display systems;
– a double bridge rectifier-charger module.
isolation and
mains 1
(normal input)
mains 2
(bypass input)