Slot six is the normal location for your first controller, so unless you have something which conflicts, it is suggested. that you leave your system in a “slot six” configuration. (The DOS enhancements and associated utilities themselves won’t care, hut it will make things easier when following these instructions.) Drive one off of slot six will be referred to as your system, or hoot drive.

Remove all diskettes from your drives, and then turn on your system. If your Apple is equipped with the autostart feature (most are), your system drive (slot six, drive one) should rattle a little and then sit there quietly spinning. If you do not have the autostart feature, then your Apple will simply display an asterisk. (“*”) and wait for you to type something. That “some- thing” should he:


Whenever these instructions need to refer to keys (to be typed) which are labelled with more than just a single character (such as: A, B, C, &, $, etc.), the key label will be enclosed in angle brackets. For example, <RETURN> indicates that the “RETURN” key should be pressed. Some special characters require that one, key he held down while another is pressed. For example, <CTRL-P> means to hold down the <CTRL> key while pressing the ‘P’ key. This is just like holding down the <SHIFT> key in order to type “$“.

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