Rana Systems Enhancements for Microsoft’s Apple if 56K CP/M 2.2 allow automatic accessing of 4 drives from the Rana Elite Controller Card and the additional capacity of the Elite Disk Drives. The Controller Card is capable of addressing any combination of Apple Disk II and Rana Elite Series Drives. The PROFILE program sets up the CP/M operating system to recognize which drives are Rana Elite Drives and which are Apple Disk If drives. The seek rate may also be increased by the PROFILE program to take advantage of the increased speed of Rana drives. If the disk is run on another Apple the enhanced CP/M will automatically recognize which controllers are Rana and which are Disk If and only try to access the correct number of drives for the particular controller type. Changes in drive combinations may require redefining.

Drives may be temporarily reconfigured in memory only to temporarily make a Rana drive act like an Apple Disk If drive and confine the files to the first 35 tracks of the disk This feature is useful for creating a disk to send to other Apple CP/M Users.

As you have probably noted by now, these instructions keep referring to Microsoft’s Apple ][ CP/M 56K version. The Elite Enhancements for CP/M only apply to the 56K version Rana does not support enhancements to the 44K version of CP/M since doing so would require "stealing" space from the user’s program area in memory. Something which Rana absolutely does not want to

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