Once that mouthful has finished displaying, type:
ENHANCE will go out and replace those sections of the original Microsoft 56K CP/M with that information which is necessary to use the advanced features of the Rana Elite products. Once ENHANCE is finished, it will display:
Enhancing completed. Press <RETURN> to reboot system from slot #6.
Since you will want to start playing with the enhanced CP/M right away, press:
and ENHANCE will
The first enhancement you will notice on the enhanced CP/M is the additional Rana Systems copyright notice right below Microsoft’s. This is an easy way to make sure you have booted an enhanced CP/M. Elite Controller users with more than two drives attached to the controller will find that CP/M now recognizes the (those) extra drive(s). If you are one such user, and your Elite Controller is the one in slot six, place the Elite Enhancer Diskette in the third drive on the controller (drive C:) and type: