Reference Guide

*TYPEOVER: Allows you to type over (and replace) ex- isting text. (Command key CTRL—T).

*FIND: Searches the paragraph for a pattern that you enter. You use the right and left arrow keys to search forward and backward through the paragraph. (Command key CTRL—F)

*XCHANCE: Searches the paragraph for a pattern that you enter, and replaces it with another pattern that you enter. The options on the EDIT XCHANGE Menu al- low you to select whether to replace all occurrences of the search pattern or just some. (Command key


*PACE: If your paragraph occupies more than one page (screen) of text, this option moves the flashing cur- sor to another page. You select the direction by pressing an arrow key following the PAGE command. (Command key CTRL—P)

*GOTO: Moves the flashing cursor to the top or bot- tom of the paragraph, depending on whether you press the left or right arrow key next. (Command key


*SELECT: Allows you to select a block of text and copy, delete, or move it. The options on the SELEC- TION Command Menu allow you to define and manipulate your selection. (Command key CTRL—S)

See the reference guide listing under each command for further


Three characters have special significance in the paragraph editor. First, the slash (“1”) key is used to display the EDIT Command Menu. To insert a slash into your text, you must enter INSERT mode first.

In addition, if your computer can only display uppercase (capital) letters on its screen, ThinkTank will automatically enhance paragraphs when you print them by using lowercase type and capitalizing the first letter of each sentence. You can
