Apple Versions
Chapter 2
ThinkTank comes in three different versions for Apple com- puters: one for the Apple II and II Plus; one for the Apple IIe; and one for the Apple III. This chapter contains information and instructions for each version. It covers:
*system requirements
*the Apple keyboards
*starting up ThinkTank
*exiting from ThinkTank
*special considerations for Apple computers
Make sure you have the right version of ThinkTank for your com- puter, and read the instructions below that apply to it.
Your equipment should be set up according to the manufac- turer’s instructions. Your dealer can provide any assistance you need.
App1e II and App1e II Plus
To use the Apple II version of ThinkTank, you will need:
*an Apple II or Apple II Plus computer
*48K bytes or more of internal (random access) memory (RAM)
*a 16K Apple language or memory card
*two or more floppy disk drives; or one hard disk drive with the PASCAL operating system