ThinkTank Manual

“Reproduced by permission of Apple Computer, Inc. 1983”

Figure 2—2: Apple IIe keyboard

itself, but it is often used with other keys to give ThinkTank commands. For example, you give the command CTRL—D,which is used to delete text in Think— Tank’s text editor, by holding down the CTRL key and pressing D. You must press the CTRL key first and must not release it before pressing D. The CTRL key is sometimes abbreviated by the caret ("^“) symbol, as in ^D.

*SHIFT: As on a typewriter, some Apple keys have two characters printed on them, like “," (comma) and "<" (less than) at the bottom right. You can enter the lower character (",”) simply by pressing the key, or the upper character (‘<“) by pressing it while hold- ing down either SHIFT key.

On the Apple IIe and Apple III, you can hold down

the SHIFT key to capitalize letters that would other- wise be entered in lowercase. The Apple II SHIFT key has no effect on letters. All letters are en- tered and displayed in uppercase regardless of whether you press SHIFT.
