ThinkTank Manual

Press the slash ("/“) key and notice that the month begins to flash. You can now use the arrow keys to set the correct month. When you’re finished, press the slash key again and set the year. If you make a mistake, press the slash key several times to cycle back to the incorrect component.

The message:


tells you what to do when the date is correct: press the RETURN key. The program registers the new date and displays the ThinkTank title screen as it prepares to load in an outline.

The process of setting the date is representative of ThinkTank in general. The program always guides you through the steps and lets you know what your major options are.

If the date shown in Figure 2—4 is correct, or if you’d like to skip the date and go right into ThinkTank, just press N (for NO) or the ESC key —— ThinkTank’s all—purpose escape valve. ThinkTank will assume that the original date was correct and go directly to the title screen. No damage will be done if the date is incorrect.


(a)Automatic Loading. If you are using ThinkTank for the first time, it is set to load the sample outline from the THINKTANK DATA DISK. As you continue to use ThinkTank, it keeps a record of the last outline you worked on. If you in- sert the same disk in the same drive next time, ThinkTank will automatically load it along with the program.

Thus, if you see the title of your outline at the top of your screen, you have successfully started up ThinkTank. (The title of the sample outline is THINKTANK( DEMONSTRATION, as shown in Figure 2—6.) Skip the next section on “Operator Loading” (as well as the following one on “Hard Disk Systems”) and continue with “Don’t Write—Protect Your Working Disks.”

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