Apple Versions

Figure 2—6: ThinkTank Sample Outline

(b)Operator Loading. If you are not loading the sample outline or the same one you used last time, you will see the FILES Command Menu at the bottom of your screen as shown in Figure 2—7. Press E to tell ThinkTank that you want to open

an existing outline, as indicated at the bottom of the screen.

ThinkTank’s response depends on how it has been configured to your disk drives. (For more information on configuring ThinkTank, see the DISK command in the reference guide.)

1.If ThinkTank displays the message:



then it is configured for two floppy disk drives. Simply place your data disk in Drive 2 and press the space bar. You will see the title of the outline appear at the top of your screen.

2.If ThinkTank displays an EXISTING FILE Menu like the one shown in Figure 2—8, it is configured for more than two floppy
