Notes and Suggestions
you want to generate for which your keyboard has no keys. Or you may want ThinkTank’s text editing commands to be consis— tent with a word processor you’re accustomed to.
You can reconfigure ThinkTank’s command keys with the UTILITIES/KEYS command. The procedure is described in the
reference guide.
However, we recommend caution in reconfiguring Think—
Tank’s command keys. When we preconfigured ThinkTank to your computer, we carefully considered its special features and characteristics. If you reconfigure them, use the same care.
For example, suppose you have an Apple II computer, which has no up and down arrow keys. We have configured
This example illustrates that reconfiguring keystrokes is more complicated than it may seem. Consider the special features of your computer as well as the other uses of each keystroke. In particular, never reconfigure CARRIAGE RETURN or ESCAPE to a keystroke you can’t generate on your keyboard. (If you do, you won’t be able to load an outline, exit from ThinkTank, or restore the original configuration.)
To avoid potential problems, we recommend reconfiguring only your copy of the THINKTANK PROGRAM DISK. Leave the original, with its preconfigured command keys, intact so that you’ll always be certain of having a working copy.
In the paragraph editor, pressing the slash (“/”) key displays the EDIT Command Menu. If you want to