100 Chapter 5 Troubleshooting
Installing Xcode Tools
To install just the Xcode Tools, which are intended for software developers to use,
follow these steps:
1Insert the Mac OS X Install Disc 1 that came with your computer.
2Double-click Xcode Tools.
3Double-click XcodeTools.mpkg.
4Follow the onscreen instructions.
Locating Your Product Serial Number
Use one of these methods to find your computer’s serial number:
ÂChoose Apple () > About This Mac and then click on the version number beneath
the words “Mac OS X.” Clicking cycles between the Mac OS X version number, the
build version, and the serial number.
ÂOpen System Profiler (in /Applications/Utilities/) and click Hardware. You can also
open System Profiler by clicking the More Info button in the About This Mac dialog.
ÂRemove the battery and view the serial number for your MacBook Pro in the battery
bay. For information about removing the battery, see “Removing the Battery” on
page 82.