C H A P T E R 3

Working with Records

The sample code then calls its GetRecInfo routine and passes to it the node reference (nodeRef) obtained by calling its MyOpenDirNode routine.

The GetRecInfo routine calls dsDataNodeAllocateString to allocate two data nodes: one named recName allocated using the string “admin” and one named recType using the constant kDSStdRecordTypeGroups. Then the GetRecInfo routine calls dsOpenRecord to open the record whose name and record type match recName and recType.

If dsOpenRecord returns successfully, the GetRecInfo routine calls dsDataNodeAllocateString to allocate a data node (attrType) containing the constant kDS1AttrPrimaryGroupID. It then calls dsGetRecordAttributeInfo using attrType to specify which attribute to get information for. The dsGetRecordAttributeInfo function stores the attribute’s information in a tAttributeEntry structure.

To clean up, GetRecInfo calls dsDeallocAttributeEntry to deallocate the memory associated with pAttrInfo and call dsDataNodeDeAllocate to reclaim the memory asociated with attrType, recName, and recType.

When the GetRecInfo routine returns, the sample code in Listing 3-2 calls dsCloseDirNode to close the node that it opened in order to get the information about a record’s attribute.

Listing 3-2Getting information about a record’s attribute

void main ( )


long dirStatus = eDSNoErr; tDirNodeReference nodeRef = NULL; dirStatus = dsOpenDirService( &gDirRef ); if ( dirStatus == eDSNoErr )


dirStatus = MyOpenDirNode( &nodeRef ); if ( dirStatus == eDSNoErr )


GetRecInfo(nodeRef); dsCloseDirNode( nodeRef );



if ( gDirRef != NULL )


dirStatus = dsCloseDirService( gDirRef );



void GetRecInfo ( const tDirNodeReference inDirNodeRef )


long dirStatus = eDSNoErr; tRecordReference recRef = NULL; tAttributeEntryPtr pAttrInfo = NULL; tDataNodePtr recName = NULL; tDataNodePtr recType = NULL; tDataNodePtr attrType = NULL;

recName = dsDataNodeAllocateString( gDirRef, "admin" ); if ( recName != NULL )


recType = dsDataNodeAllocateString( gDirRef, kDSStdRecordTypeGroups); if ( recType != NULL )


dirStatus = dsOpenRecord( inDirNodeRef, recType, recName, &recRef


36Getting Information About a Record’s Attribute

2007-01-08 © 2007 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Apple OS X manual Getting Information About a Record’s Attribute