108 Index
computer won’t turn on 64
display goes black 65
hard disk 66
Internet connection 66, 93
pointer won’t move 63
PPPoE connections 93
trouble ejecting a disc 66
trouble using AirPort 65
turning the computer on 10
with an application 65
See also troubleshooting
processing speed 57
putting your PowerBook to sleep 16
CD-R 49
CD-RW 49
DVD 50
music 49
reinstalling 97
removing the battery 52
replacing the battery 52
resetting your password 65, 97
RJ-11 cable 44
general instructions 75
power adapter 73
using your PowerBook 74
screwdriver 59
scrolling trackpad feature 22
SDRAM specifications 57
security slot 15, 55
serial number 69
setting up
Internet connection 81
a printer 29
printer (tips) 95
to connect manually 82
Setup Assistant 10
shutting down 17
indicator light 13
mode for your computer 16
slot-loading optical drive 13
Software Update 28
Software Update preferences 28
speakers 13, 47
battery 72
operating environment 71
power adapter 72
Spotlight 24
Startup Disk preferences 36
static IP address 86
an application 27
the computer 17
storing your PowerBook 74
Sudden Motion Sensor 51
SuperDrive 47
S-video out port 44
System Preferences 25
Appearance 25
Bluetooth 41, 54
Dashboard & Exposé 25
Desktop & Screen Saver 25
Dock 25
Energy Saver 54
Network 54
Print & Fax 29
Software Update 28
Startup Disk 36
Ttelephone dial-up connection 81
testing your Internet configuration 84
described 13
scrolling 22
tips 22
using 9
files or documents 30
information 36, 37
AirPort 65
an application 65
computer freezes 64
computer won’t respond 63
computer won’t turn on 64
display goes black 65
ejecting a disc 66
hard disk 66
Internet connection 66
pointer won’t move 63
your connection 93
turning on PowerBook 8
TV out port 15
typing position 77