a reduction in the need for dusting and cleaning and a longer time
interval between redecorating.
The efficiency of the Aprilaire Electronic Air Cleaner on the smallest
particle which can be seen with the naked eye (approximately 10
microns) is never less than 99%.
The visible household dust particles, and nearly all pollen and spore
particles, therefore, can be caught and permanently and easily held if you
can get them to the air cleaner.
Recommendations for Optimum Performance
The air movement function of a central air cleaner is performed with the
blower of your heating/air conditioning system. Continuous air cleaning
will be accomplished when your thermostat is set for continuous air
circulation. If continuous air cleaning is not required, or desired, you
can manually set your control for any time period you desire. Many
thermostats have a switch position for manual fan. “Automatic” turns
on the blower only when heating or cooling is required. “Fan” or
“manual” allows you to control blower operation.
For those who choose periodic cleaning (as opposed to continuous
cleaning through continuous furnace blower operation), the most
important period is during – and for several hours after – vacuuming
your home. The vacuuming process (unless you have a central vacuum
system) stirs up a large volume of dust particles which must be drawn
into your air cleaner.
Particle sizes in microns* (1 micron = 1/25,400 inches)
*American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineering Guide
0.01 0.1 1
5 10 50 100