Connecting Specific Jandy Or Pentair/Compool Controllers (See application table within)
Appendix- A

Instructions For Connecting Specific Jandy Or Pentair/Compool

Controllers To AquaCal’s HP7 Microprocessor

The microprocessor terminal block, labeled X,Y,Z, is located on the low-voltage portion of the
MICROPROCESSOR POWER BOARD. (See figure 1, below.)


Controllers Suitable for this Application:
Jandy and Compool controllers have similar features. However, there are two interface
connections. Listed below are the two different interfaces with the corresponding model numbers of
Jandy and Compool controllers.
Interface #1 Compatible Controllers Containing Own Water Temperature Sensors

WARNING !!!! Dealer & Service Center Use Only

Controllers Using a 2-Wire Connection to Heat Pump
Jandy Pentair
Aqualink Compool Intellitouch
All Aqualink 2, 4, and 8 Series CP3400, CP3600, & CP3800 Series All IT Series
All Aqualink RS Series
Each of the above controllers equipped with own thermostats for heat pump control. Listed below are the
steps to be followed for interface #1.