Using your tuner

Front panel controls


Switches the unit on and off. When off the status LED shows
red. When the tuner is switched on the status LED shows

Searching for services

When using the tuner for the rst time we recommend that
you perform a search to nd all available services in your
area. Once you have done this, you may wish to repeat a
search periodically to discover if any new ensembles (groups
of services) have gone on air. If you move to another area you
should also perform a new search.

Selecting a search region

Access the Search Region menu by pressing the MENU button
three times. Use the rotary controller to select the world
region that best describes your location; the options are UK,
Canada or Rest of World. When the desired region is displayed,
press SELECT. The tuner takes a few seconds to recon gure
its internal software before automatically switching out of the
Search Region menu. You should now perform a search for
available services.

To perform a search

Press SEARCH on the front panel, then SELECT when
prompted. A bar graph will show the progress of the search.
This can take up to three minutes depending on the search
region you have selected. The search can be cancelled at any
time by pressing any front panel button or rotating the rotary
If no service is found after the search then either your aerial
is insuf cient for your location or, you may be outside of the
covered area for DAB services. If this is the case contact either
your Arcam dealer or Arcam customer services.

Selecting a service

Turn the rotary controller to scroll through the available
services and choose the one you wish to listen to.
What happens next depends on the setting of the Selection
mode (see page 7). If set to Auto, the displayed service
is selected after 2.5 seconds; if set to Manual, the display
returns to the current service after ve seconds unless SELECT
is pressed.
If >> is shown in the top right corner of the display when
a service is selected, a secondary service is also available.
Moving the rotary controller clockwise one more click will
display this secondary service: press SELECT to listen to it.

Programming a preset

First select the service you wish to assign to a preset. Now
press STORE 1–8 or STORE 916 and then brie y press the
appropriate preset button to store the service.
It is not possible to assign secondary services to presets, only
primary ones, since secondary services are often broadcast on
a temporary basis and they may change from day to day.

Selecting a preset

To select presets 1 to 8, press and release the corresponding
button. To select presets 9 to 16, press and hold the
corresponding button for two seconds.

Changing the display mode

The bottom line of the display can be set to one of four modes:
Programme type (a brief label), Dynamic label (scrolling text),
Data rate (shows service data rate and stereo/mono mode)
and Signal quality meter (a bar graph). See page 7 for further
Press DISPLAY MODE to cycle through the modes.

Compression mode

Press the MENU button once to access the compression menu.
From this, dynamic range compression (DRC) can be applied to
the audio signal within the tuner, provided the broadcaster has
made it available for that service. The amount of compression
is adjustable between off and 5 (the maximum amount).
To set the compression level, turn the rotary controller until the
required compression level is displayed and press SELECT. The
tuner leaves the compression menu and displays the service
name. C1 to C5 is shown in the top right corner of the
display, according to the compression level selected.
To exit this menu without making any changes, press the MENU
button until the tuner reverts to displaying the service name.
Note that the selected level of compression is applied to all
services where compression data is made available by the
broadcaster. It is not possible to store different compression
levels for different stations.

Service sort menu

Services can be sorted by name or by programme type. To
change between sort by name and sort by programme type,
press the MENU button twice to access the Service Sort menu
and turn the rotary controller. Press SELECT to con rm the
setting: the tuner reverts to displaying the service name.
To exit this menu without making any changes, press the MENU
button until the tuner displays the service name.