2.6 Recording from the Radio
When you hear something on the radio you would like to record, click once on the REC
button. The REC butt on will light up red to indicate that a recordi ng is taking place. Click it
again when you want to stop the recording. Your recorded file will be saved in the last folder
that was used for audio recording. For example, if you have a folder /HD/Music/Radio that you
made an audio recording in, then th e next time you cl ick the REC on th e remote control, it will
save the file to that Radio folder. If you have used only the AudioCorder button on the main
AV300 screen for recording, then th e recording will be stored in /HD/Music since no other
folder had been identified as the last recording folder. The file name for this recording will be
RADIOxxxx.mp3, where xxxx are incremental numbers. During the recording, the gain is fixed
so that you get the best pos sible radio recording.
2.7 Retro Recording and Editing
This is a feature that allows you to capture the 30 seconds (approximately) of radio broadcast
before the record button is pressed. It does this by continuously recording a 30 second loop of
music in a buffer. Then, when you click on Rec to record the radio, it adds this 30 seconds to
the beginning of your recording. This way, if you start recording a radio song after it has
started, you will actually hav e the entire song in the recording. The R etro-Record setting must
be set to On in order for this to work. See the description in section 2.8 on how to turn on or
off the Retro-record function.
Once a retro-recorded song has been recorded, it can be edited on the AV300 itself. Often, the
beginning of the record ing will include a commercia l or announcer talk that you do not want to
keep, but was also recorded during the buffered 30
seconds. To go to the Audio Edit screen, locate the
recorded radio file on your AV300 and then click on
PLAY. The function button Audio Edit indicates
that you can edit this radio recording. Click on
Audio Edit to enter the Edit mode.
Shown below is the Audio Edit mode. You will
notice that your radio recording has started to play.
It will continuously loop so that you can hear the changes to it as the Cut-IN and Cut-OUTs are
As normal, when playing a song, you can use the Reverse and Forward on the joystick to
move back and forward within the song. While the
song is playing, wait for the precise moment that
you want the edited song to start and click the left
function button Cut-IN. This is the point that your
new edited song will start. You will notice that the
song length will be reduced. This is normal,
because you just shortened the song with the cut.
You will also notice the point at which the cut was
made at t he Cut-IN indicator (0:00:18 in the
example screen). Let the song continue (or fast forward it) and then at the precise moment
you want the edited song to stop, click on the right function button Cut-OUT. This is the
point that your new edited song will stop. You ca n let the song loop so that you can listen to
and verify that the cuts you made a re to your liking. If not, Click on the STOP to clear the
edit points and re-edit the cuts, or just exit the
audio editor without changing the radio file. Once
you are satisfied with the edit, click on the center
function button Save Edit to save your edit as a
new file. The AV300 will execute a read/write
process and create a new file named
oldfilename_Edit.mp3 and place it in the same
directory as the original file.