GB - 29
Model Number 932036 932504 932037 932505
Description 524 524 724 724
Engine - Tecumseh HSSK50-
67416U HSSK50-
67417U OHSK70-
72517F OHSK70 -
Power Max - HP (Kw/min-1)5.0 (3.73) 7 (5.22)
Fast Idle Speed-RPM (min-1)3600 ± 150
Displacement - in. (cc) 11.88 (195)
Electric Start 120V Optional
120V or 240V 120V Optional
120V or 240V
Fuel See Engine Manual
Tank Capacity - qt. (L) 2 (1.96) 3.5 (3.3)
Snow Clearing Width -
in. (cm) 24 (61.0)
Rotation Angle 220°
Rotation Control at
Handlebar Yes
Diameter - in. (cm) 10 (25)
Speed-RPM-Max (min-1)1200 1410
Diameter - in. (cm) 11.0 (27.98)
Speed-RPM-Max (min-1)120 141
Auger Brake Yes
Drive Disc-O-Matic
Speeds 6 Forward and 2 Reverse
Pneumatic Tires - in. (cm) 12 (30.5)
Size and Weight
Height - in. (cm) 38 (96.5)
Length - in. (cm) 49 (124.5)
Width - in. (cm) 26.5 (67.3)
Weight - lbs (Kg) 150 (68.0) 146 (66.2) 147 (66.7) 143 (64.9)