







garments according to





Dividing your




fabric and colour, is


Before washing,youcandoagreatdealtoensurebetterresults.Divideyour


very important for




good results.















Before washing.

Divideyourwashingaccordingto the type of fabric and colour fastness.

Emptyallpockets(coins,paper, money and small obejects) and ensure all loose buttons are repaired or removed prior to loading.

The labels say it all. Always look at the labels: they tell you everything about your garment and how to wash it in the best possible way.

The table on page 5 shows all meaningsbehindthesesymbols. Their recommendations are important to achieve better washresults

Big and small happily together. Thiswashingmachinehasaspecial electroniccontroldeviceforeven distribution:beforethespincycle starts, this device allows the garmentstopositionsthemselves, tominimisenoiseandvibrations duringthespincycle.


Afterinstallingyournewwashingmachine,starta washcyclebysettingprogramme"1"at90degrees.

Starting Margherita in the right way is important for the quality of your wash, to help prevent futureproblemsandenhancelife expectancy of your appliance. Once you have loaded your washingmachineandaddedthe detergent together with any fabricconditioner,alwayscheck that:

For more delicate


protect underwear, tights and stockings and delicate items by placing them in a canvas pouch.

1.The door is closed correctly.

2.The plug is secured in the socket.


Turn the appliance on

Press button B (position I).

Choosethedesiredprogramme The programme is selected accordingtothetypeofgarments that need to be washed. To chooseaprogramme,refertothe table on page 4. Turn knob A until the selected programme coincides with the pointer situatedontheupperpartofglass G, set all the options available (flashing) as indicated on pages 3and4(reference ),thenpress buttonC(Start/Reset).

If you want to interrupt the programme in progress, press button C for at least 3 seconds.

At the end of the wash cycle...

Wait for symbolto come off and the word End to appear. Then turn Margherita off by pressing on-off button B (O position).Youcannowopenthe washing machine door safely. Afterhavingremovedthefreshly cleaned washing, leave the door open to allow air circulation inside the drum.

Always disconnect electricity at thesocketandturnoffthewater supply.

Remember that, in the event of a power failure, or should the washing machine switch itself off, the programme chosen will remain in its memory.

How to eliminate the most common stains

Ink and biro Dab with a wad of cotton soaked in methyl alcohol or alcohol at 90°. Tar Dab with fresh butter, rub in turpentine then wash immediately.

Wax Scrape away, then run a hot iron between two sheets of absorbent paper. Then rub in cotton with turpentine or methyl alcohol.

Chewing gum Rub in nail polish remover and wipe with a clean rag.

Mold Cotton and white linen should be placed in a solution of 5 parts water, one bleach and a spoon of vinegar, then washed immediately. For other white fabrics, use hydrogen peroxide at 10 volumes and wash immediately. Lipstick Dab with ether on wool or cotton. Use tricloroetilene for silk.

Nail polish Place a sheet of absorbent paper on the side of the stain, wet it with nail polish remover, shifting the garment as the sheet gradually changes colour.

Grass Dab with a wad of cotton soaked in methyl alcohol.

Margherita - Iinstructions for installation and use


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Image 3
Ariston AIB 14 manual Before washing, Plug is secured in the socket, Door is closed correctly, Thewatersupplyisturnedon