Most problems are easily solved if you understand the cause. If the machine shows an error code in the display, consult the fault code descriptions below for a possible cure. Once you've tried the following suggestions, turn the power to the washer off. Next, turn the machine back on and restart the wash cycle.
If you are unable to resolve the issue, call our Customer Care Center at the number on the bottom of the page.
The washer will not operate at all.
•Is there a power failure?
•Is the power cord correctly connected to an electric outlet?
•Did you turn on the power?
•Did you press Start/Stop button?
•Is there correct amount of laundry in the washer?
•Is the door open? (The lamp ” will light up in this case.)
Water is not supplied
Error display
•Did you connect the inlet hoses and open water valves?
•Are the inlet hoses or water valves frozen?
•Is the water supply shut off?
•Is there debris blocking the inlet hose filters?
The washer will not drain
Error display
•Is the drain hose frozen or blocked by debris?
•Is the drain hose kinked or deformed?
•Is the end of the drain hose pushed more than 3 or 4 inches into the drain pipe?
•Check to make sure the drain filter is clean.
The washer will not spin
Error display
•Are the clothes in the drum collected on one side?
•Is the washer installed on an uneven floor or is the vibration serious?
Spinning is insufficient
Error display
•Is the filter of the drain pump clogged?
•Does there appear to be water left in the wash drum?
•Did you use the proper amount of detergent?
•Is the drain hose placed higher than 1m above floor?
Vibrating and too noisy
•Is the washer installed on an uneven floor?
•Have all the shipping bolts removed?
• If and
error mode are showed on LED panel, please contact our Customer Care Center at the number listed on the bottom of the page.
Customer Care Center