3.3.4Using the NVIDIA® Firewall™

The motherboard supports the NVIDIA® Firewall™ (NVFirewall™) application that protects your computer from intruders. The NVFirewall™ is classified as a personal firewall or desktop firewall that works at the device level to protect your system from malicious computer code by controlling the connections to and from your computer and alerting you for attempted intrusions. The following sections describe how to use the NVIDIA® Firewall™.

Launching the NVFirewall™ summary

After you install the NVFirewall™ application from the motherboard support CD, it is automatically activated with a Medium security profile as its default setting. The setup summary of NVFirewall™ is displayed in the summary menu.

To launch the NVFirewall™ summary menu:

1.Click the NVIDIA® Firewall™ icon from the Windows® taskbar.

NVIDIA® Firewall™ icon

2.Double-click the icon to display the NVFirewall™ Summary menu.

Click to select firewall profile

Click to view profile details

Click to view the firewall log

Click to view the firewall stats

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Chapter 3: Software support