2.6 WDM capture driver

The Windows Driver Model (WDM) capture driver allows you to capture video from the video input port.

1.Insert the support CD into your CD-ROM drive.

2. If autorun is enabled, the 2D/3D Graphics & Video Accelerator appears automatically.

If autorun is disabled, run Setup.exe from the root directory of your support CD.

3.From the 2D/3D Graphics & Video Accelerator main menu, click Drivers.

4.Click the WDM Capture driver Install button from the Drivers menu to copy the necessary files to your computer.

5.From the ATI Software setup dialog box, click Next to install the appropriate driver for your graphics card.

6.Follow succeeding screen instructions.

7.When prompted, select Yes, I want to restart my computer now then click Finish.

The WDM capture driver only works on graphics cards with video-in function.