ASUS AI Manager

ASUS AI Manager is a utility which gives you quick and easy access to frequently-used applications.

Launching AI Manager

To launch the AI Manager from the Windows® desktop, click Start > All Programs > ASUS > AI Manager > AI Manager 1.xx.xx. The AI Manager quick bar appears on the desktop.

After launching the application, the AI Manager icon appears in the Windows® taskbar.

Right-click this icon to switch between the quick bar and the main window, and to launch the AI Manager either from the quick bar or taskbar.

AI Manager quick bar

The AI Manager quick bar saves the desktop space and allows you to launch the ASUS utilities or display system information easily. Click any of the Main, My Favorites, Support or Information tab to display the menu’s contents.

Exit button

Switch to main Window

Add to ToolBar


My Favorites


Click the Maximize/restore button to switch between full window and quick bar. Click the

Minimize button to keep the AI Manager on the taskbar. Click the Close button to quit the AI Manager.


The Main menu contains three utilities: AI Disk, AI Security, and AI Booting. Click the arrow on the Main menu icon to browse through the utilities in the main menu.