Advanced options
Use Advanced options to perform additional troubleshooting options in your ASUS Tablet.
To access this during POST:
1. Restart your ASUS Tablet then press during POST.
2.Wait for Windows® to load the Choose an option
screen then tap/click Troubleshoot.
3.Tap/click Advanced options.
4.In the Advanced options screen, select the troubleshooting option you wish to perform.
5.Follow the succeeding steps to complete the process.
Using System Image Recovery
Under Advanced options, you can use System Image Recovery to recover your system using your ASUS Tablet’s original image file.
To access this during POST:
1. Restart your ASUS Tablet then press during POST.
2.Wait for Windows® to load the Choose an option screen then tap/click Troubleshoot.
3.Tap/click Advanced options.
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