
Allows you to select applications for graphic virtualization.

Click to select a program to run by discrete card, iGPU, or Hyperformance®

Click to add, edit, or remove programs

See the descriptions of these columns below:

D column allows you to run applications with the discrete graphic card. Select D to enable 3D graphical performance for that application.

Icolumn������ allows������ to�� run��� applications������������ with���� iGPU�����. Select������ Ifor��� applications������������ with���� media�����

extensive performance.

Hcolumn������ allows������ you��� to�� run��� applications������������ with���� Hyperformance®���������������. Tick���� Hto�� enhance�������

graphical performance for that application.

Actual graphical performance varies with the application used and graphics card installed.

6 Chapter


Chapter 6: Multiple GPU support