OnChi p VGA F rame Buffer Si ze [64MB]
Allows you to disable or set the onchip VGA frame buffer size. Configuration options: [Disabled] [16MB] [32MB][64MB][128MB]
OnChi p VGA Trap E nabl e [Di sabl ed]
Allows you to enable or disable the onchip VGA trap feature, which patches some Linux operatiing systems that cannot be installed with an onchip VGA. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
SouthBri dge/nForce 410 Chi pset Confi gurati onSouthBridge/nForce | 410 Chipset Configuration |
| ||
Options | ||||
PCI Spread Spectrum | [Center | Spread] | Disabled | |
HT Soread Spectrum |
| [Center | Spread] | Center Spread |
| Down Spread |
PCI Spread Spectrum [Center Spread]
Configuration options: [Disabled] [Center Spread] [Down Spread]
HT Spread Spectrum [Center Spread]
Configuration options: [Disabled] [Center Spread] [Down Spread]