4.7.3ASUS Express Gate

This item allows you to configure related ASUS Express Gate settings.

Phoenix-Award BIOS CMOS Setup Utility








ASUS Express Gate

Select Menu







Express Gate


Item Specific Help


Enter OS Timer

[10 Seconds]



Reset User Data








Express Gate [Enabled]

Allows you to enable or disable the ASUS Express Gate feature. The ASUS Express Gate feature is a unique instant-on environment that provides quick access to the Internet browser and Skype. Refer to section 5.3.12 for details. Configuration options: [Enabled] [Disabled]

Enter OS Timer [10 Seconds]

Sets the amount of time the system waits at the Express Gate’s first screen before starting Windows or other installed OS. Set this item to [Prompt User] to stay at the first screen of the Express Gate for user action.

Configuration options: [Prompt User] [1 second] [3 second] [5 second] [10 second] [15 second] [20 second] [30 seconds]

Reset User Data [No]

Allows you to clear Express Gate’s user data.

Configuration options: [No] [Reset]

When set to [Reset], the user data will be cleared and this item will return to the default setting. Set to [No] to keep the user data and personal information you have saved under the Express Gate.

The first time wizard will run again when you enter the Express Gate environment after clearing its settings.


Chapter 4: BIOS setup