Motherboard Smart


System Resources Alert:Today’s operating systems, such as Windows 95, Win- dows NT, and OS/2, require much more memory and hard drive space to present enormous user interfaces and run large applications. The system resource moni- tor will warn the user before the system resources are used up to prevent pos- sible application crashes. Suggestions will give the user information on manag- ing their limited resources more efficiently.

Auto Fan Off: The system fans will power off automatically even in sleep mode. This function reduces both energy consumption and system noise, and is a important feature to implement silent PC systems.

Dual Function Power Button (requires ATX power supply):The system can be in one of two states, one is Sleep mode and the other is the Soft-Off mode. Pushing the power button for less than 4 seconds places the system into Sleep mode. When the power button is pressed for more than 4 seconds, it enters the Soft-Off mode.

Remote Ring On (requires ATX power supply):This allows a computer to be turned on remotely through a modem. With this benefit on-hand, any user can access vital information from their computer from anywhere in the world!

Message LED (requires ACPI OS support): Chassis LEDs now act as infor- mation providers. Through the way a particular LED illuminates, the user can determine the stage the computer is in. A simple glimpse provides useful infor- mation to the user.


ASUS P2L97-DS User’s Manual