4.4.18SB Voltage [Auto]

Allows you to set the South Bridge voltage. The values range from 1.05V to 1.20V with a 0.15V interval.

4.4.19Clock Over-Charging Voltage [Auto]

Allows you to set the Clock Over-Charging voltage. The values range from 0.70V to 1.00V with a 0.10V interval.

4.4.20Load-Line Calibration [Auto]

Allows you to select the CPU Load-Line mode. Set to [Normal] to follow Intel specifications or [Performance] to improve CPU VDroop directly. Configuration options: [Auto] [Normal] [Performance]

4.4.21CPU GTL Voltage Reference [Auto]

Allows you to set the CPU GTL voltage reference. Different ratio might enhance CPU overclocking ability.

Configuration options: [Auto] [0.67x] [0.65x] [0.63x] [0.62x]

4.4.22NB GTL Voltage Reference [Auto]

Allows you to set the Northbridge GTL voltage reference. Different ratio might enhance CPU overclocking ability.

Configuration options: [Auto] [0.67x] [0.61x]

4.4.23CPU Spread Spectrum [Auto]

Set to [Disabled] to enhance FSB overclocking ability or [Auto] for EMI control. Configuration options: [Auto] [Disabled]

4.4.24PCIE Spread Spectrum [Auto]

Set to [Disabled] to enhance PCIE overclocking ability or [Auto] for EMI control. Configuration options: [Auto] [Disabled]


Chapter 4: BIOS setup