Mi crosoft Di rectX 9.0c

Installs the Microsoft® DirectX 9.0c driver. The Microsoft DirectX® 9.0c is a multimedia technology that enhances computer graphics and sound. DirectX® improves the multimedia features of you computer so you can enjoy watching TV and movies, capturing videos, or playing games in your computer. Visit the Microsoft website (www.microsoft.com) for updates.

ASUS AI Booster

The ASUS AI Booster application allows you to overclock the CPU speed in a Windows® environment.

Anti-vi rus Utili ty

The anti-virus application scans, identifies, and removes computer viruses. View the online help for detailed information.

5.2.4 Manual s menu

The Manuals menu contains a list of supplementary user manuals. Click an item to open the folder of the user manual.

Most user manual files are in Portable Document Format (PDF). Install the Adobe® Acrobat® Reader from the Utilities menu before opening a user manual file.

I ntel LGA775 CPU I nstall User’s Manual

Allows you to open the Intel® LGA775 CPU installation guide.


Chapter 5: Software support