1.3Special features

1.3.1 Product hi ghli ghts

LGA775 I ntel ® Quad-core Processor Ready

This motherboard supports the latest powerful and energy efficient processors from Intel. Intel® Quad-core is based on the Intel Core Microarchitecture process technology that allows users to step up to new levels of gaming experience and multi-tasking performance.

Combined with 1066/800 of front side bus (FSB), this motherboard guarantees enhanced user experience in the digital home and office.

NVI DI A nForce® 650i SLI

The NVIDIA® nForce® 650i SLI™ chipset supports the NVIDIA® Scalable Link Interface (SLI™) technology that allows two graphics processing units (GPUs) in a single system. It is a highly integrated, high-performance, cost-effective processor.

I ntel ® Dual-Core Technol ogy CPU support

The motherboard supports dual-core processors containing two physical CPU cores with dedicated L2 caches to meet demands for more powerful processing.

I ntel ® EM64T

The motherboard supports Intel® processors with the Intel® EM64T (Extended Memory 64 Technology). The Intel® EM64T feature allows your computer to run on 64-bit operating systems and access larger amounts of system memory for faster and more efficient computing.

Enhanced I ntel SpeedStep® Technol ogy (EI ST)

The Enhanced Intel SpeedStep® Technology (EIST) intelligently manages the CPU resources by automatically adjusting the CPU voltage and core frequency depending on the CPU loading and system speed or power requirement.

