Change User Password

Select this item to set or change the user password. The User Password item on top of the screen shows the default Not Installed. After you set a password, this item shows Installed.

To set a User Password:

1.Select the Change User Password item and press <Enter>.

2.On the password box, key in a password containing up to six letters, or numbers, or both, then press <Enter>.

3.Confirm the password when prompted.

The message Password Installed appears after you set your password successfully. To change the user password, follow the same steps in setting a user password.

Clear User Password

Select this item to clear the user password.

Password Check [Setup]

When set to [Setup], BIOS checks for user password when accessing the Setup utility. When set to [Always], BIOS checks for user password both when accessing Setup and booting the system. Configuration options: [Setup] [Always]


Chapter 2: BIOS information