7.Slow Mode Switch

Slow Mode Switch is employed during LN2 benching. Some processors have a small optimum temperature range to run at their highest frequency. Warmer or colder yields instability at this frequency. For example, a certain processor may need -80̊C loaded in order to run 5.8GHz, which means about -75̊C idle in order to stay stable at 5.8GHz.

Going colder or warmer crashes. It will however remain stable at slower frequencies at much colder or warmer temperatures. Once it comes out of a heavy load while transitioning over to a light load, when the temperature does not warm fast enough, it may crash. To over-come this simply flip the switch over to “slow” the processor instantaneously. Switching over to Slow-Mode during critical moments when Temperature/Max Frequency alignment is off-synch saves you a lot of crashes, even when trying to boot into the OS at cold temperatures.

Chapter 2

The Slow mode switch is workable only when LN2 mode jumper is been set to enable. (please see 2-26)

