6.2.3SPDIF Out / DTS Interactive
Xonar DS is capable of outputting DTS Interactive, which are real-time encoders that transcode any audio, including games and music, into industry-standard DTS Digital bit-streams on-the-fly. This is ideal for playback through a home theater system, creating an immersive and impressive cinema surround sound experience. It enables a single digital connection to carry high quality DTS surround audio from your PC to digital speakers and AV Receivers.
1S/PDIF Out enable/ Click this check box to enable S/PDIF output. disable
2S/PDIF Output Formats/Functions
This pull-down menu allows you to select one of the following four formats:
-PCM (Pulse Code Modulation, which is a typical raw audio data format.)
-DTS Interactive, real-time 5.1ch encoding