8.Launch the disk partitioning tool for the following Windows® operating systems:
a.For Windows® 7, click Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.
b.For Windows® 8, right click to launch All Apps bar, click All Apps icon then click Command Prompt.
9.At the command prompt C:\>, key in diskpart then press <Enter>.
10.From the DiskPart prompt, key in list disk then press <Enter>. To select a disk with unallocated volume, key in select disk and the disk number then press <Enter>.
11.Key in create partition primary then press <Enter>.
12.After creating a primary partition, key in detail disk then press <Enter> to view the details of the partitioned disk.
13.Select the RAW volume to store the Intel® Rapid Start partition. Key in select volume and the disk number then press <Enter>.
Chapter 6