Menu bar

The menu bar on top of the screen has the following main items:

My Favorites


Ai Tweaker






For saving the frequently-used system settings and configuration

For changing the basic system configuration

For changing the overclocking settings

For changing the advanced system settings

For displaying the system temperature, power status, and changing the fan settings

For changing the system boot configuration

For configuring options for special functions

For selecting the exit options and loading default settings

Menu items

The highlighted item on the menu bar displays the specific items for that menu. For example, selecting Main shows the Main menu items.

The other items (My Favorites, Ai Tweaker, Advanced, Monitor, Boot, Tool, and Exit) on the menu bar have their respective menu items.

Submenu items

A greater than sign (>) before each item on any menu screen means that the item has a submenu. To display the submenu, select the item and press <Enter>.

System date and time settings

This panel shows the time and date of your system. Click this panel to change the system date and time settings.


This button above the menu bar contains the languages that you can select for your BIOS. Click this button to select the the language that you want to display in your BIOS screen.

MyFavorites (F3)

This button above the menu bar shows all BIOS items in a Tree Map setup. Select frequently- used BIOS settings and save it to MyFavorites menu.

Refer to section 2.3 My Favorites for more information.

Q-Fan Control (F6)

This button above the menu bar displays the current settings of your fans. Use this button to manually tweak the fans to your desired settings.

Refer to section 2.2.3 QFan Control for more information.


Chapter 2: BIOS information