Actions Taken by the CS-104


Result for correct Hot Key

Incorrect Hot Keys


Filters out Hot Keys and beeps once

Displays incorrect keystrokes


Scans powered-on computers one-by-one and



flashes corresponding LED



Scan rate is set by the DIP switches of the



first-stage CS-104



[Space] stops this mode



Filters out Hot Keys and beeps once

Displays incorrect keystrokes


The right [Shift] key selects the next higher



numbered computer



The left [Shift] selects the next lower num-



bered computer



[Space] stops this mode



Filters out Hot Keys and beeps once for a

Displays incorrect keystrokes


ready port; otherwise, beeps twice.







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There is one MANUAL LED, and four PORT STATUS LEDs on the front panel. The functions of these LEDs are as follows:

MANUAL LED : This LED turns on when the CS-104 is in MANUAL mode.

PORT STATUS LED: These four (4) LEDs are used to indicate the various status conditions for any given port.

1.If a port is not selected, its corresponding PORT STATUS LED will be off.

2.If a port is selected that is connected to another CS-104, its corresponding PORT STATUS LED will flash:

3.If a port is selected that is connected to a “power-on” computer, its corresponding PORT STATUS LED will remain lit.

4.If a port is selected that is connected to a “power-on” computer while in Previous/Next mode, its corresponding PORT STATUS LED will flash:

5.If a port is selected that is connected to a “power-on” computer while in the Auto-Scan mode, its corresponding PORT STATUS LED will flash: